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Flowchart: What is a "tax-favored foreign retirement trust" per §6048 regulations ?
The below flowchart helps you determine if a foreign retirement account may qualify as a tax-favored foreign retirement trust; of course, this is not intended to be legal nor tax advice. This flowchart expands upon the article written for Bloomberg’s...
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Has the CTA been over-ruled ?
The recent (March 1, 2024) US court ruling[i] in federal district court deemed the Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”) unconstitutional.   FinCEN subsequently (March 4, 2024) stated it will not require compliance with the CTA for the plaintiffs...
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FinCEN's New Foreign Pooled Investment Vehicle Rule: Understanding the Reporting Requirements
Background refresher on the Corporate Transparency Act: What is the CTA? – Tax Logicians   The CTA imposes specific reporting requirements on entities formed under the laws of foreign (non-US) countries that would otherwise qualify for reporting exemptions...
CTA & Trusts video image Nov 8 2023
The new Corporate Transparency Act & Foreign Trusts
Watch out latest video for a short (13  minute) overview of how the CTA can interact with foreign trust structures which invest into the United states.  This link goes to the Youtube version of the video:  Tax Logicians Trusts and the CTA Nov 8 2023 –...
La version française du site arrive bientôt !
Merci de votre patience, bientôt les pages du site seront disponibles en français, et des guides et des articles de blog viendront par la suite. Merci – L’Équipe Tax Logicians
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Non-US Pensions Trusts and Form 3520
Form 3520 Unveiled Form 3520, also referred to as the “Annual Return To Report Transactions With Foreign Trusts and Receipt of Certain Foreign Gifts,” serves as the IRS’s instrument for eliciting information regarding financial interactions...
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